Welcome to my best free to join, free to earn, free money
Our Mission
The mission and goal of BFMS is to provide to anyone on the internet, absolutely free a
site that previews, points-out, and provides regular people with truly free money making opportunity websites from around
the world and from just around the block. There are literrally millions of websites available to the general public. Hundreds
of thousands of those sites are reward or "opportunity" style websites*. Which stands to reason when talking or thinking about
the internet. Websites, hosting,server space, advertising venues, and promotions and marketing campaigns can be
costly for the advertiser or site owner. Thus they would not go to all the trouble and expense to not get a return upon that
investment. Both the financial and the investment of their time
The internet has also become one of the most used information services for shopping, bargain
hunting, and purchasing products and services at rates that beat any brick and mortar retail locations ability to provide.
Due to the costs of retail space fees (i.e. rental and lease fees), advertising, untilities, employees, security and
all of the other things that a retailer off the net must pay for as part of the normal course of doing business. That also
stands to reason, without a 100-500% markup of the purchase price by the retailer the business would very quickly begin spending
more money than it was earning in revenues. Very quickly after the start of the negative profits any business would have
to close it's doors to mitigate loss of capital as much as possible.
So we have established the reasons behind online shopping becoming the "preferred" method
of comparing prices, features, and brands available. We have also given the top reasons why costs online are much
lower than the realtime or brick-and-mortar storefront prices, and we have established that without a return upon invested
time and capital that web-site building is rarely undertaken.
Now the $64,000 question (joke), What are the three most commonly use words
found ont internet websites of all kinds?
This website is inteded to provide links, advice, research and analysis of
the opportunities that are being offered online for regular people to make money. Best free money sites is also intended to
provide an example of some of the best free programs that you average everyday people can use to make money online.
And suggestions as to how other marketers have used the same tools and
made money online with them.
Best free money sites also has an online forum for discussing Opportunities,
Scams, programs that do or don't deliver on their promises, and what is hot in:
and much, much more!
I am your webmaster/mistress Shaydinthedesert, and I would like to share
some ideas and sites that could become very significant and beneficial you fairly quickly so if you are ready, so am I!
Let's look and see what the World Wide Web has for us today!?
Affiliate program and affiliate product promotion.
Downline or referral incentive based sites
Matrix style downlining
Let us first ask the question,
Q. "What is the difference between Affiliate program marketing and
affiliate procduct marketing?"
A. Many people new to Affiliate relationship
marketing will tend to believe that these two words are interchangable with one another and mean the same thing.Affiliate
program marketing and product marketing as you can probably guess, are two completely different parts of the same whole. However
one is a little more adventurous and potentially much more lucrative than the other.